Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Hip Injuries.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: What Is the Hip Labrum?

Internal, external, and intra-articular are the three types of Snapping Hip Syndrome, each involving distinct mechanisms of hip joint snapping.

There can be more than one cause of hip flexor pain, including an injury, overuse, or a previously unknown underlying condition.

The hip labrum is a cartilage that lines the rim of the hip’s bony socket. It can tear, fray, or detach from the bone and is usually associated with hip impingement.

Hip labral tears commonly occur as a result of another hip condition and the diagnosis and treatment of both the conditions are necessary for overall improvement.

Diagnosing hip impingement involves a physical exam, imaging tests, and assessing symptoms to determine the extent of joint damage.

Frozen hip can develop on its own (idiopathic frozen hip) or as a result of another medical problem (secondary frozen hip).

Adhesive capsulitis of the hip, or frozen hip, occurs when the capsule surrounding the hip becomes inflamed, thick, and less flexible, causing hip pain and stiffness.

The hip joint’s bones – the femur and the acetabulum – are cushioned with cartilage and soft tissues and lubricated with fluid to keep them moving smoothly.

Common symptoms of hip impingement include hip pain and stiffness, loss of balance, and limping.

