Because the pain usually goes away quickly, athletes may not think they need to report a stinger to a coach or get medical attention. Seeing a trainer or doctor as soon as possible is often advised, however.

Research has shown that once an individual has sustained a stinger, he or she is at greater risk of having another.1Kawasaki T, Ota C, Yoneda T, Maki N, Shingo U, Nagao M, Nagayama M, Kaketa T, Takazawa Y, Kaneko K. Incidence of Stingers in Young Rugby Players. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015(11)43:2809-15. These repeat injuries may even occur in different arms. In rare cases, repeated stingers have been linked to permanent nerve damage, including weakness or numbness.

Moreover, it is not uncommon for the player to sustain other injuries in addition to the stinger, such as a concussion or possible nerve or spinal cord injury, so taking precautions to protect the neck and spine and seeking medical care is advisable.

See Concussion Causes and Risk Factors

Rest Is Best

Recovery from a stinger varies widely. Some players are able to return to their sport in less than an hour, while others might be out for a couple of weeks. Rest is one of the best medicines if symptoms persist. The athlete should be symptom-free before returning to competition.

See The P.R.I.C.E. Protocol Principles

Ice and Anti-inflammatories

If pain accompanies the neurological symptoms, first-line treatments may include ice application and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs).

  • Ice application. For treatment of localized pain, ice or a cold pack may be applied. Cold application will reduce local inflammation, which is usually contributing to the pain. Ice should never be applied directly to the skin or for longer than 15 or 20 minutes at a time.
  • NSAIDs. An anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen, may also be taken to reduce the inflammation and help alleviate pain.

If muscle spasm follows the injury, a muscle relaxant may be prescribed.


While recovering, pain relief medicine and ice packs can make life more comfortable. For severe symptoms, a short course of oral steroids may be recommended. Short-term use of a supportive neck collar may also be helpful. If recovery is slow, targeted exercises are useful for keeping the area flexible as the body heals.

If the pain continues, treatment recommendations may include a cortisone (steroid) injection in the area near the affected nerve. Physical therapy or working with a trainer is another good option in some cases.

Stingers do not require surgery. However, if another injury was sustained in addition to the stinger, surgery may be an option.


Getting Back In the Game

Athletes are usually cleared to return to the sport once these conditions have been met:

  • The pain has gone
  • Muscle strength and range of motion have returned to the level before the injury
  • There is no remaining numbness or tingling

Keeping muscles strong and flexible, using safer form to minimize the impact on the head, and wearing extra protective gear such as neck supports built into shoulder pads can help athletes reduce their risk of stingers.

  • 1 Kawasaki T, Ota C, Yoneda T, Maki N, Shingo U, Nagao M, Nagayama M, Kaketa T, Takazawa Y, Kaneko K. Incidence of Stingers in Young Rugby Players. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015(11)43:2809-15.

Dr. Michael Hisey is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery. One of his main areas focus is minimally invasive spine surgery techniques. Dr. Hisey joined the Texas Back Institute in 1999, where he completed his Fellowship in Spine Surgery and later served as President from 2010 to 2013. He is the official spine specialist for the FC Dallas soccer organization.

