This is the third of three piriformis stretches.
We’re stretching the piriformis muscle to relieve sciatica pain caused by piriformis syndrome.
We’ll start this by lying on our backs with your feet flat on the ground.
Bring the affected leg over the opposite leg, crossing at the knees, and interlace your fingers behind your back thigh.
Pull the bottom leg towards the shoulder on the same side, gently.
And hold it here for about 30 seconds.
Try and achieve a set of 3 of these each day.
Be careful not to stretch here past what’s comfortable.
Make sure you’re breathing slowly and steadily; and we’ll hold for about 10 more seconds.
And make sure that if you feel any pain, any discomfort, or any pinching, you come out of this stretch right away and consult a physician before trying again.
When you’re finished, you can come out of this carefully, setting both feet back down on the floor.
That’s the third of three piriformis stretches.